When Facing The Uncertainty of Life

We are living in unprecedented times, no joke! Who would have ever thought that for the past month, Americans, as well as those around the globe, would be living in a mandated quarantine due to a global pandemic? As a result, who would have ever thought that our greatest threat, at least in the U.S., the land of excesses, there would be grocery shelves void of toilet paper, bleach and disinfectant wipes?? Are we living in the end times where famines, wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, etc., will threaten our lifestyle, welfare and economic future? I don’t presume to know, but what I do know is this. Notwithstanding a global pandemic, there has never been a time when life is certain. Never.

It’s true. Life is filled with uncertainty and it always has been. With all our experts, resources, knowledge and preparation, we cannot control the future, much less anything else. For those of us whose faith is in an uncompromising God, a God whose love, mercy and grace exceeds human resources, not to mention our meager attempts at faithfulness and trust, He holds the future and what it holds for all of us. What is absolutely certain about life is God will be the One who determines what happens, when it happens, and how it happens and, above all else, He will sustain us through it.

The gift that times like these afford us, as unpleasant as they are, is the opportunity to experience the sufficiency of God. His outright unmatchable grace and undeniable love to a lost and irreverent world and His commitment to the Body of Christ is unquestionable. Whether we are deserving or not, God’s faithfulness cannot and will not be thwarted by any catastrophic happenings; His love for us and provision will prevail regardless. Consequently, when life is uncertain, God certainly is not! We can depend on Him and put our hope in His goodness and plan of redemption.